Bump the Cutter Drill
The Bump the Cutter Drill is a great activity for focusing on the defence of stopping cutters gaining good positioning around the keyway. For the offense the focus is on cutting for the ball and for the defence focuses on …
The Bump the Cutter Drill is a great activity for focusing on the defence of stopping cutters gaining good positioning around the keyway. For the offense the focus is on cutting for the ball and for the defence focuses on …
The Low Post Pass and Go Drill provides a good scenario for players to experience the pressure of finishing a scoring opportunity in quick succession of receiving a pass. The Low Post Pass and Go Drill provides a situation where …
The Gate Drill is a favourite activity of Functional Basketball Coaching. The Gate Drill demands players compete in a one on one situation, but are limited in their scope of movement and offensive objective. The Gate Drill forces players to …
The Contesting Drill helps defenders develop the ability to blend playing high-pressure denial defence with the ability to also defend the back cut. In the Contesting Drill the coach starts with the ball. The coach can dribble to either side …
The Teaching and Learning Cycle is a remarkably simple way of thinking about the instruction and learning steps a player and team progress through on their way to developing knowledge, skills and ultimately competence. The Teaching and Learning Cycle is …