Here we can see how the offensive player keeps their body between the ball and the defender while performing a lay-up. As can be seen from the picture if the defender is on the hip or inline with the ball handler then there is no other option but for a foul to be committed when trying to stop the shot (Photo Source: Danny Bollinger)

The lay-up is the highest percentage shot outside of the dunk. It is one of the very first skills that young players will attempt, and often is the stuff of nightmares for senior coaches whose teams can squander a certain …

The Importance of Body Positioning during a Lay-up Read more »

Ball Reversal to Score Drill Diagram 1

The Ball Reversal to Score Drill looks to help players develop the set of technical skills needed as well as offensive awareness to be able to score in the post from ball rotation on the perimeter. As players become more …

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The Dribbling Pocket is very important during the initial stages of teaching a player how to dribble a basketball. The dribbling pocket allows a player to walk, run and sprint while dribbling the basketball without fear of kicking the ball (Photo Source: squdgee)

When teaching players How to Dribble a Basketball there are some core instruction points to help with the uptake of the skill. Instructing players in how to dribble a basketball if approached focusing too much on the fundamental movements will …

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1 v 1 Speed Dribble Drill Diagram 1

The 1 v 1 Speed Dribble Drill is a simple, yet effective activity for helping players to develop their own ability to advance a ball up the court at pace. Too often players struggle to control the basketball when dribbling …

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Poor exposure of players to a variety of angles in which to practice their lay-up will lead to a limited development of the skill and a lack of ability to convert in games (Photo Source: Wm Chamberlain)

The Lay-up is one of the most widely used skills in basketball. For most players this is their very first technique learnt when attempting to score. The lay-up forms one of the most fundamental skills developed in basketball and so …

Why Do My Players Continue to Miss Lay-ups? Read more »