4 v 1 Low Post Defence Drill
The 4 v 1 Low Post Defence Drill brings together a number of different post situations for both offensive and defensive players to experience. The 4 v 1 Low Post Defence Drill focuses on a one on one scenario specific to the low post area of the keyway. This provides a very unique opportunity for both the offensive and defensive players to improve their technical skills with ample player movement and opportunity.
Playing defence against low post players can be very artificial within many drills seen around countless basketball courts. The 4 v 1 Low Post Defence Drill looks to provide a more game realistic environment while players have an opportunity to practice multiple times in a very short period their defensive technique.
For offensive players playing within the post it is not unusual for them to spend countless hours rehearsing their primary and counter moves. The natural progression for these drills is for defence to be added and player work one on one. Often though drills are very static and controlled. The 4 v 1 Low Post Defence Drill looks to expand player movement to reflect the three guard front often seen in many team offenses.
These perimeter players then have to practice passing into the post while the offensive and defensive players battle it out for position.

One (1), Two (2), or Three (3) can start with the ball. Pass between themselves looking to get the ball into Four (4). Perimeter players should be encouraged to use pass fakes, ball reversals and skip passes to create a good passing opportunity.
Four (4) can move from one low post to the other low post. Post defence must attempt to deflect all passes into Four (4).
Post defence should be based around team principles. The 4 v 1 Low Post Defence Drill should be seen as a way of implementing these desired defending techniques into the teams overall strategy.
Initially to help focus on the defensive element of the drill the following rules can be implemented:
- Four (4) cannot score, if ball is passed into Four (4), then Four (4) passes the ball out.
- Drill goes for 30 seconds, or if defence gets 4 deflections.
Points of Emphasis
1. Always work ball side
2. Jump to the ball
3. Bump post on cut
4. Post looks to seal
5. Game pace.
The 4 v 1 Low Post Defence Drill can be varied to add some extra complexity to the situation. The first option is to introduce defenders matched up against the perimeter players. These defenders are to remain with the perimeter players, but are to be still active in defence during the one on one situation. The point of this variation is to add defensive pressure to passing into the post.
To help keep the play as realistic as possible an option is to allow the perimeter players while being defended to use one dribble to improve their position and passing angle. Any more dribbles however and the offensive players will be able to breakdown the core focus of the 4 v 1 Low Post Defence Drill too much.
Another variation to consider in changing the 4 v 1 Low Post Defence Drill is that an additional offensive player can be added to the interior. This can be achieved in a few different ways. The first is to have both players in the low post positions. These players can screen and move but must remain below the double block.
The second option is to allow the second interior player to only play in the high post. They are allowed to move but must remain above the double block.
Finally, the third option is to allow both interior players free movement anywhere around the keyway. All three of these options around adding the additional offensive player should provide good opportunities to practice High/Low offense options.