Wrist Action and Shooting Technique
The Wrist during a player’s Shooting Technique helps push the energy generated into the ball form the rest of the body. As one of the last parts of the body to be involved in the shooting action, the wrist can …
The Wrist during a player’s Shooting Technique helps push the energy generated into the ball form the rest of the body. As one of the last parts of the body to be involved in the shooting action, the wrist can …
The Stride Stop Shooting Drill is a fantastic activity for developing a player’s ability to use the stride stop technique within their shooting action. The stride stop is a very important technique for players to be able to utilise to …
A player’s Shooting Technique will need to be refined for as long as they intend to be involved with the sport of basketball. For some players this process will be more of a challenge then it is for others. The …
Upper Body Problems and Solutions for a Players Shooting Technique Read more »
The V-Repetition Shooting Drill is a great activity for allowing players to shoot a high number of shots in a small amount of time. Because of the movement involved in the activity the V-Repetition Shooting Drill it also has a …
The 2 Player Circle Shooting Drill is a great activity for being able to provide players with the opportunity to shoot in high number of repetitions while gaining some conditioning benefit. The 2 Player Circle Shooting Drill is especially good …