As players grow their shot will change. The mechanics can be brought in line with the desired shooting technique all coaches strive for (Photo Source: SD Dirk)

Making a Shot in basketball is one of the main driving factors for players to constantly work on their game. Refining their technique, improving their shooting percentage, and then making that shot in a game is all part of the …

The Evolution of a Player’s Shot Read more »

Collecting and developing scouting notes is one thing. Making sure that they are used during preparation for and during games is another thing. Remember scouting notes can be used by coaching staff and players alike during games to help keep focused (Photo Source: au_tiger01)

Scouting is one of the more important aspects to a coach’s preparation for a tournament. For many coaches the act of scouting itself has a number of flow on effects within the team’s preparation and overall scheduling of events during …

Preparing for Tournament Play: Scouting Read more »

When Passing to a Cutter, understanding how an offense exploits the defence will provide a ball handler with some easy options that lead to good shots (Photo Source: Marianne O'Leary)

Passing to a Cutter in the half court is really one of the least focused on activities during training sessions. It is however, the most fundamental of techniques in generating and executing offense. Without the ability to pass to cutters …

Common Problems seen when Passing to a Cutter Read more »

A well executed Zone Defence can help teams with elements such as Doubling or Trapping (Photo Source: jmrosenfeld)

A Zone Defence is just one of a large array of options that a coach has during a game. If you do not have an “array of options” then you probably need to think about how you will manage a …

When to Change to a Zone Defence during a Game Read more »

Some facilities will have fantastic pool facilities for holidays, but these can make planning recovery sessions a little more challenging (Photo Source: Tim Parkinson)

Tournament Play can be very challenging for players because of the sheer number of games condensed into a small amount of time so Recovery will play a significant part in a team’s winning formula. With this in mind, early preparation …

Preparing for Tournament Play: Recovery Read more »