Chaser Turn Out Screen Drill
The Chaser Turn Out Screen Drill Looks to help both offense and defence in dealing with staggered or double screens. For the offense, the Chaser Turn Out Screen Drill looks to provide some opportunity to fine-tune all the possibilities that are often overlooked because of the speed of a game. Alternatively, for the defence the Chaser Turn Out Screen Drill helps promote a common understanding about communication and defining the roles of the three players competing against the ball. When looked at this from both the offensive and defensive angles within this activity the true value of the drill is reveal, making it one of the more useful activities teams can use in developing this very challenging and complicated tactic in basketball.
The set-up initially will see the coach positioned at the Point Position.

An offensive player is in the low block (Five). With another Offensive player (One) on the front of the basket with the ball. The offensive player with the ball (One) is the runner and the player practicing the role of coming off the double screen looking for the scoring opportunity.
Matching up against these offensive players will be a low post defender (Four) and a chaser (Two).
The drill starts when One (1) makes a pass to the Coach. From this point on the Chaser Turn Out Screen Drill is now live.
As soon as the ball has left One’s fingers Two (2) can start to defend. Two (2) has a choice to make. The defender can either follow the runner (One) or cheat and lift straight away to the top of the double screen in an attempt to stall this offensive option. This drill works best if not one style of defending is practiced in exclusion to the other.
The Coach will make a pass to One (1) or Five (5) when an opportunity presents.
The reads presented to One (1) are very important as there are a number of different outcomes which can be utilised to not only create a scoring opportunity for the player, but also the teammates around them.
- If the defender follows; a tight curl cut will be most effective (especially when the help defender Four does not move)
- If the defender follows and Four helps; then a shallower curl cut can be used allowing a shooting opportunity from the elbow or a catch and drive to draw Four before making a pass to Five for the inside score
- If the defender cheats and breaks to reach the top of the double screen first; a cut to either the wing or mid-range on the baseline can be employed. In both of these situations, a shooting opportunity or a pass into the post can be utilised.
Five (5) should be very active in setting the screen and then sealing to present a good interior target.
When Five’s (5) defender moves to help on defence a quick flash to the basket will result in easy scoring opportunities. Five (5) just needs to make sure that they maintain a passing lane for the ball handler to execute a pass along. Five (5) in looking for space and a receiver spot should not discount moving to the weak side of the backboard to find a scoring opportunity.
On a run along the baseline by One (1) it serves little advantage to empty all the way to the long corner. Moving to a mid-range position to receive the pass will provide a better shooting position and the interior offensive player can still have space into which to create a seal. What may happen as a result of this shorter position however, is that the interior defender (Four) may be prompted to assist creating an even bigger assist option into the post as the defenders are rotating.
Adding a screener into the Chaser Turn Out Screen Drill might be a little fast for developing players. In these instances especially when teaching the Turn Out Screen for the first time, maybe using two cones will be of some assistance.
Once the ball is caught, the drill remains live until either the offense scores or the defence secures possession.
The next progression of the Chaser Turn Out Screen Drill will see two screeners (and respective defenders) added to the floor.

For the runner (One) the reads will be the same except now the ability to see what is happening is even more important. Therefore the cutter must keep the head up and use the time when running off the first screen to see what is unfolding within the play.
However, the greatest challenge and opportunity now comes from the movements and strategy between the screeners themselves. Some of the possible options available include:
- Five (5) holds until One (1) moves off of their screen and rolls to the basket
- Five (5) holds until One (1) moves off of their screen and rolls to the weak side of the basket and a High/Low tactic can now be employed with Four (4)
- If One (1) catches the ball on the wing, mid-range baseline or long corner; Five (5) and screens up for Four (4) who then rolls under to the basket.
- If One (1) catches the ball on the wing or elbow; Four (4) can screen down for Five (5) who then rolls over the screen to the keyway
There are a great number of options that players can execute and it should be noted that the tactic may not always look smooth or polished. That however is the nature of players making reads on the run with very limited space to work within.
Offensive players must always look to maintain space, play with an even tempo, and move into receiver spots that provide a passing option to their teammates. Standing in the post or ball watching will not help anyone.
The Chaser Turn Out Screen Drill looks to provide a small snap shot of the possible strategy involved in using a staggered/double screen. As discussed, there is a great variety of different options that can be taken advantage of. It is important for players to be exposed to all these possible scenarios so during games changes can be made tactically to expose the weaknesses of the opposition. After the initial introduction of the Chaser Turn Out Screen Drill, time will need to be provided so players learn how to play with each other, and for each other.