Mentoring is a valuable training method for both junior and senior coaches. At Functional Basketball Coaching we have developed various mentoring programs and strategies to assist coaches at all levels to gain access to a support system where they can be comfortable and still be challenged by.
A barrier why many more coaches do not tap into the opportunities is they often feel they may be judged critically if they ask questions and do not represent an image of being all knowing to their peers and decision makers in their immediate area. This decision not only limits the potential of many coaches but also hurts grassroot organisations and professional sporting teams alike as the coach continue often to ‘stay their course’ without the fantastic benefit mentoring can provide.
The main goal of the Functional Basketball Coaching mentoring experience is to provide a safe and secure avenue for coaches to discuss their individual challenging situations without the risk of fear from negative political or career progression. When in the Functional Basketball Coaching mentoring program you can be sure that your discussions are confidential and constructed for your benefit.
Some of the opportunities you might find in a Functional Basketball Coaching mentoring program include:
- Increased self confidence
- Increased awareness of wider perspectives
- Empathy
- Improvement in decision making
- Development of new conflict resolution skills
Why not contact us today for an opportunity to discuss your needs and how Functional Basketball Coaching can help. Complete the electronic form on the Contact Us page to take your first step in the right direction today!