Basketball positions in the offensive zone
Basketball Positions (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Basketball Coaching is one of the most rewarding roles in sports. Working in basketball or volunteering the challenges that face a basketball coach can be significant. To help coaches develop their craft of coaching has put together an ever-growing bank of articles and resources to help in achieving great things basketball.


All facets of the sport are examined in great detail to offer both free and premium services for coaches. In this section of the website you will be linked to many of the free resources and information provided by Functional Basketball Coaching.


The FBC resources have been developed with the largest range of coaching experience and knowledge in mind. Take the time to have a look through our resources and remember we are always happy to discuss how we can help you.


Looking for some general help with your Basketball Coaching? Check out Functional Basketball Coaching’s different articles on all things coaching:


General Principles of Coaching: Just starting out in coaching? Read these articles to get your foot in the door and work out what it is all about

Intermediate Principles of Coaching: Having the mindset of being student will help a coach find longevity in their craft. Read these articles to help smooth out some of the rough edges in your basketball coaching

Advanced Principles of Coaching: Need to find that edge over your opponents? Looking for those one percenters? You need FBC’s articles on Advanced Principles of Coaching


So what are the different reference areas provided by Functional Basketball Coaching:


Basketball Player Positions: Explore the differences and strengths of the playing positions in a basketball team

Individual Offensive Skills: Reference articles on individual offensive player skill development

Team Offense: A collection of great plays to help your team find that winning edge

Team Defence: Need to get a stop? Check out FBC’s collection of different defensive stoppers


If you cannot find a resource or information on this website? Why not contact the staff at Functional Basketball Coaching and put in a request for its development.