Welcome to the About Us page for Functional Basketball Coaching!
A professional sports management organisation established to bring a variety of coaching knowledge about the sport of basketball to the wider sporting community. Stemming from a number of management, business, teaching and sports coaching disciplines Functional Basketball Coaching looks to establish best practice and cement itself as a leader within the sports industry. Read on through the About Us section of the Functional Basketball Coaching website to see how we are the right organisation for you.

When thinking about Functional Basketball Coaching:
- Are you new to the role of being coach?
- Do you have anyone to bounce your ideas about coaching off?
- Do you need a reviewer of your program at a professional standard?
- Can’t find the answers to ongoing team performance issues?
If you identified with any of the above questions or if your needs relate to sports management or business practices then Functional Basketball Coaching could be for you.
From this page connect with:
- History; Overview of the business origin
- Mission and Vision Statement; Key driving principles behind Functional Basketball Coaching
- Links; Useful hot spots that will underpin your coaching needs
Functional Basketball Coaching at its core is about celebrating the sport of basketball and exploring new ways to benefit coaches, athletes and administrators of basketball.